Sunday, March 4, 2007


In the remote Churchill region of Canada's Manitoba province, early winter
lays a blanket of white over the barren tundra. Along with the fresh snow
arrives a much larger white presence - the highest concentration of polar
bears in the world. They've traveled for months to get here and they're
starving, having lived primarily off their body fat. The mid-winter
attraction is a frozen Hudson's Bay, full of seals and other favorite
holiday meals. Anxiously, the bears wait for the ice to freeze. Soon, the
short days will start getting longer. On this morning, they roam about and
play-fight, observe and wait. They scent the winds that blow across the
wide expansive plain during the long, red hours of the sub-artic dawn. SUNRISE EARTH: Polar Bears premieres on Thursday, December 21
at 10 PM on Discovery HD Theater